
1) National identification card. (1935).  Allowed people to be murdered based on criteria.

2) Trust in the United Nations.  They would not defend the victims, so they were accomplices.

3) Continued recognition of different classes or races (baiting race or class wars) 1957

4) Demanding transfer of power from Tutsi to Hutu based on "statistical law" 1957

5) 1959 attack on Hutu leader, Hutu activists responded by killing Tutsi, both the elite and ordinary civilians, marking the beginning of the Rwandan Revolution.[36]

The Tutsi responded with attacks of their own, but by this stage the Hutu had full backing from the Belgian administration who wanted to overturn the Tutsi domination.[37][38]

6) "independence" by liberating the oppressed majority.  In early 1960, the Belgians replaced most Tutsi chiefs with Hutu and organised mid-year commune elections which returned an overwhelming Hutu majority.[37] The king was deposed, a Hutu dominated republic created, and the country became independent in 1962.[39]

7) formerly "priveledged" class leaving the country By 1964, more than 300,000 Tutsi had fled

8) Tutsi invasions 1990 through 1993


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